Educational Day Trips, Part 1: 4 Day Trips to 5 Guanacaste National Parks

One of the best things about living near Tamarindo is the sheer variety of things to do. And, while the beaches and the surf get much of the glory, the truth is that there are so many other sights and sites to explore. Today, we thought we’d introduce you to Part 1 of our series on Educational Day Trips from CRIA, beginning with five Guanacaste national parks and wildlife refuges.


Post-Pandemic: Private Schools in Costa Rica Focus on Academics

It’s one of life’s great ironies, but there are few things more unchanging than the promise of change. In education, including at many private schools in Costa Rica, this offer has long been on the menu. And yet, isn’t it also true that the more things change, the more they stay the same? It’s the ouroboros of the academic world.

The truth is, for decades, major change to education...

How Living and Studying in Costa Rica Will Inspire Your Child

Inspiration can be such a tricky concept; one child’s muse can be another’s ennui. Because it’s about so much more than finding a place to call home or even settling on one of the best international schools in Costa Rica: Helping your child find her inspiration, explore her interests, and pursue her dreams is a path every parent forges over the seemingly too few 18 formative years.  
