Physical Education
Physical education classes provide opportunities for students to improve lifelong health, fitness, and activity related skills. Physical education presents information that challenges students to improve personal fitness levels and participate in individual and team activities. Physical education is an essential component in the education of the whole child by linking cognitive knowledge to physical activity and social interaction.
Students develop competence in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities. They vary movement during dynamic and changing game situations. Recreational pursuits become an additional curriculum option, broadening lifelong physical activity options. The ability to analyze skill performance through observing and understanding critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) is increasingly apparent, as is the application of basic scientific principles of movement and personal fitness. Students relate the importance of physical activity to health, focusing particularly on obesity and stress. They create plans for improving personal fitness. Students continue to develop responsible personal and social behaviors by demonstrating decision-making skills, conflict-resolution skills, appropriate etiquette, and respect for others. Students achieve and maintain personal fitness standards and set reasonable and appropriate goals for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness.
The student will demonstrate the domain of the movement skills and the patterns that will be apply to the physical activity in selected movements. Documental test in a competence level in all the basic knowledge necessary for a selected activity and the capacity to use the skill with consistency on the right configuration. The student should demonstrate a comprehension of the rules and strategies of the selected activity, and apply them suitable PE elective offers to the students the opportunity to participate in activities with fitness.
The students will select the zones where they want to concentrate to study, some options can be:
• Aerobic
• Water sports
• Individual sports
• All life activity
• Fresh air activity
• Team sports
Competitive Sports
The Athletics Department offers, based upon demand, a variety of sports for primary and secondary programs, such as basketball, soccer, swimming, and surfing.
The physical education (PE) program aims at developing students' athletic and team participation skills through after school sports activities and regular PE classes. Extra-Curricular Activities may include basketball, yoga, gymnastics, soccer and swimming. All PE courses are taught in Spanish.
Our school teams have participated in inter-school sports competitions such as the AASCA basketball tournament in Panama and AASCA soccer tournament in Guatemala City, and the YBOA basketball tournament in San Jose, as well as local competitions.
For more information on how you can participate in competitive sports, please contact us!

Diego Matarrita